Using only the most up to date, fair, kind and effective training-methods we will establish what your pet really finds reinforcing!
We do not advocate the use of any methods tarnishing the relationship between you and your pet. This includes yelling, kicking, ‘alpha-roll’, half and full choke collars, spray bottles and collars or the use of any electronic devices in order to ‘solve’ your pets problem and teaching him/her to behave. Although they might seem to work in the first instance and superficially – the damage done to your companion and her/his trust towards you and life is immense. I do not advocate or use any methods that are inhuman or cause any sort of suffering towards anybody (incl. humans!)
A quick fix is not always possible – think of any bad experience you have had in your life. If we can try to understand how your pet is feeling in those moments – we can develop and establish a bespoke training- and/or behaviour modification programme that will not only help you and your pet to cope; but also help to build a long lasting relationship formed by trust and friendship. Your pet will relish learning what we want him/her to do instead!