Old dogs and subtle behaviour changes – just old dogs or something else????

Old dogs and subtle behaviour changes – just old dogs or something else????

Our nearly 13 year old girl Bella was tired this week (less interested in games, clingier and sleeping more) and we noticed that she urinated slightly more. Potential explanations (which we all do as guardians of older dogs):

– The weather was wet and cold which might have bothered her (Bella is seen for chronic pain which is usually well under control)

– She is an old girl, and toilet habit changes might have to be expected

I frequently receive requests for help with sudden toileting changes seen in dogs (and puppies) – and I refer them back to their vet if they have not been examined yet by the vet.

However, in Bella’s case this change was subtle and could have easily been misjugded as ‘an old dog syndrom’. A quick urine analysis and the diagnosis is UTI. She is receiving medical treatment and hopefully will soon recover back to her ‘old’ self 🙂

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